Kokuyo has been a trusted name in stationery and office supplies since 1905, beloved by generations in Japan. As the brand behind the iconic Campus Notebooks, Kokuyo has earned its reputation for high-quality, reliable products. Beyond its popular products, Kokuyo...
Kokuyo has been a trusted name in stationery and office supplies since 1905, beloved by generations in Japan. As the brand behind the iconic Campus Notebooks, Kokuyo has earned its reputation for high-quality, reliable products.
Beyond its popular products, Kokuyo provides workspace consulting and spatial design services, catering to offices, medical facilities, and educational institutions.
Kokuyo is also deeply committed to sustainability, focusing on reducing waste and adopting eco-friendly practices throughout its processes, ensuring that its products not only serve people but also care for the planet.
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Kokuyo Harinacs Press Stapleless Stapler SLN-MPH105